This simple two-herb combination is considered a “dui-yao” in Chinese Medicine, a special pair of herbs that balance and encourage each other’s best therapeutic aspects. This pair even has their own formula name when combined: Shan Yao Gan Cao Tang.
In my clinic, I use this pair weekly to solve muscle cramps, particularly those in senior patients. If you are experiencing “restless leg syndrome” or having leg or foot cramps when you lay down at night, this is a fantastic option to consider. The formula has the dominant flavors of both sweet and sour, making it nourishing for both the muscle tissue (sweet/Spleen) and the yin (sour/Liver) of the body.
Sandy L., a patient’s caregiver recently shared:
“My husband was getting severe hand cramps- bad enough “to make a grown man cry”! Clay prescribed an herbal mixture. After a dose or few, absolute success- no more cramps! We’re so grateful for Clay and his magic capsules.”
I always give the attention required when using a therapeutic dose of licorice, especially with clients taking medications for high blood pressure or heart arrythmias. There are options for taking this formula even in these cases.
I hope you’ll consider and share the news about the simple pair of Peony and Licorice, of fantastic and true benefit to many.